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conversion gain中文是什么意思

用"conversion gain"造句"conversion gain"怎么读"conversion gain" in a sentence


  • 变换增益
  • 变频增益
  • 控制损失
  • 增殖增益


  • Available conversion gain
  • Conversion gain tester
  • A fast algorithm for estimating the high - frequency conversion gain of cmos gilbert mixers is proposed
  • The purpose is to escalate 30ghz signals to 35ghz and attain 14db conversion gain by means of power amplifier
    其要求是将ka频段30ghz信号通过上变频及功率放大器获得35ghz , 14dbm的射频输出。
  • The purpose is to escalate the centimeter - wave signal to ka - band trough multiplier and attain conversion gain
  • In millimeter wave section , a multiplier / amplifier module was set up , and realized the effective conversion gain
  • It is shown that the excessive local oscillator drive deteriorates the conversion gain of the mixer at high frequencies , a trend not shown in the low frequency approximation
  • In active section , in order to meet performance of out put power above 10dbm , the power amplifier module of ka - band is fabricated by using hmc283 to achieve the 14db conversion gain . there are five parts that include of waveguide - to - microstrip ? mixer ? filter ? power amplifier and waveguide - to - microstrip . input signal ' s power is 10dbm , after it pass waveguide - to - microstrip , it ' s frequency is escalate from 30ghz to 35ghz
    该组件由五个部分组成:功率为10dbm信号经过波导? ?微带过渡,然后混频,滤波将30ghz提高到35ghz滤除不需要的谐波镜频以及三阶交调信号,为了弥补混频滤波的变频损耗,加一级功率放大器,此放大器采用hittle公司hmc283芯片,此上变频放大组件完成了上变频?滤波?放大功能。
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